Monday, March 18, 2013

Photo effect

A daguerrotype is an old type of photo created using textures. , I also have a tilt-shift photos and one comic-book photo. In my first, I took a picture of a old portland sign, and as with all of the photos here, I upped the contrast in order to give it a better look. I also followed the same steps for my tilt shifts. On my daguerrotypes, I tried to crop out the modern building around . Lastly, I played around with the cartoon effects. I tried to saturate the cartoon filter itself, and I tried different amount of tone used for the cartoon.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Multiple Images Technique

Multiple Images Technique 

          Here are my 4 photos of multiple images technique. I created 2 multiple exposure photos. The first one of which is a multiple exposure of me in a mirror. In the downtown are i found a mirror on the side of a building the reflection it gave of was pretty gray so had to give the photo a bit more highlight and more exposure to give the full effect. My next one is a multiple exposure of a fountain in the downtown area. the flow of water in the pictures when put to gatherer gave the fountain a different feel to it a more sporadic feel. Next is my HDR photo of Portland. capturing a HDR photo proved to be a challenge in itself  a lot of the time the sky would be a rainbow but after messing a bit with the curves of the photos and the exposures I was able to create the image seen. Finally is my panorama photo of the great city of portland. taking the photo was pretty easy put the first time i attempted to put it into a panorama it was very cracked. Luckily I was able to avoid the problem by taking one of the photos out of the panorama.